Welcome to Talladega Dobermans!
While the term "kennel" brings up visions of
chain link
runs and concrete floors, for us nothing could be further from that.
Our "kennel" is actually our home in Monroe, North
Carolina, USA. Monroe is just East of the city of Charlotte. Our dogs
exercise on 20+ acres of securely fenced grass yard. Dobermans need lots
of exercise and they love to stretch out in full gallop across the
Enjoying a day in the field
Stripped the pear tree, now let's eat them!
Gatlin says "feels so good - I love rolling in the grass!"
"Jewel" chasing water hose.... One of our dogs favorite things!!
Get Ready....Sit......Go !!!!
Are we having fun yet !!!!!!!!!!!
Stock car racing is one of our other interests, hence
the name "Talladega". We have a dog grooming facility on the premises
and keep very busy all of the time, but we always welcome visitors when
they call ahead & make an appointment first!
From the past.....Sire
of Champions and Champion Producers
Walkaway's Ablaze of

Blaze carried the great
DICTATOR 8 times in only five generations. We are proud to say our
beautiful "Hawke" carries "Blaze's" blood also!